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Value-Adding Leadership
1. Welcome
Overview: 6 Habits that inspire people to contribute their best (7:40)
Your Goals for the Program: Assignment
2. Be Authentic
PROM Archetypes (TM): Leading as your Best Self (16:09)
Your PROM Servant Leader Archetype Assessment
Moving from Cloner to Coach (3:50)
Be your best self - Assignment (2:02)
Resource: PROM Superpower Quick Reference Guide
The Pioneer (2:04)
Coaching your Pioneers (3:21)
The Reconciler (1:43)
Coaching your Reconcilers (0:01)
The Operator (1:50)
Coaching your Operators (3:11)
The Maverick (1:47)
Coaching your Mavericks (3:21)
3. Lead with Trustworthiness, Respect, and Stewardship
Trustworthiness, Respect, and Stewardship intro (2:58)
Build Trust so that people believe in you (11:49)
Earn Respect by giving it first (9:15)
Fostering Stewardship to create lasting excellence (12:03)
Weekly check-ins done right: video + assignment (2:29)
90-day update with your direct reports: video + assignment (3:36)
Summary and Action Steps
4. Practice Empathy - your Fast Track to Cooperation
Practice Empathy intro video (3:12)
Practice Empathy - your fast track to cooperation (14:41)
How Empathy powered Eisenhower's victory in Normandy (1:42)
Empathy Map - video + Assignment (9:43)
Summary and Action Steps
5. Take Responsibility and Improve Accountability
Take Responsibility introduction (2:00)
Responsibility and Accountability (16:46)
Taking Responsibility: How Grant Rebounded to win at Shiloh (1:37)
How to hold people accountable without being a jerk + Assignment (10:57)
Summary and Action Steps
BONUS. How Taking Responsibility boosts Innovation: Eisenhower at Normandy (2:04)
6. Connect the WHY so that you gain buy-in and build commitment
Connect the Why (intro video) (2:41)
Connect the Why (content video) (10:24)
Building an Inspiring Culture TM and Gaining Buy-in (16:04)
Your Mission Statement + Assignment (6:22)
Summary and Action Steps
BONUS: Building Trust by Explaining Why: Chamberlain at Gettysburg (2:25)
7. Multiply your Experiences
Multiply Experiences (intro video) (1:40)
Multiply Experiences: Building Practical Wisdom (2:50)
Determination versus Drift (5:43)
SLA Reading List
Summary and Action Steps
BONUS: How to use history to solve today's problems (1:11)
8. Thank you + Next Steps
Next Steps for Value-Adding Leadership (0:59)
Leading Well eBook
The authoritative habits of Leadership, Culture, and Strategy
How to hold people accountable without being a jerk + Assignment
Accountability Jan 2021.docx
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